How To Stop Chili Pepper Burn On Hands And Skin

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So you did it again. You ignored all the warnings to wear gloves when cutting hot peppers, and now you have hot pepper hands. You’re not alone. Let’s talk about how to stop a pepper burn on your hands or skin.

While I am an advocate for wearing gloves and eye protection, I often slice jalapeños bare-handed when I’m in a hurry. It doesn’t take much spicy juice to get your hands burning from peppers. Whoops.

So, this one is for all of us who will never learn to think ahead. But, we can at least learn how to get rid of a hot pepper burn on the hands. Use these tried-and-true methods to get some quick relief from a spicy burn on your skin, and to help prevent it in the future.

Closeup of hand burning from spicy pepper juices

In this article (skip ahead):

Why Does It Burn?

Jalapeños are plenty spicy to notice a burn, either in your mouth or on your skin. If you neglected to wear nitrile gloves (yes, they should be nitrile) while slicing spicy chili peppers, you may end up with severely irritated skin.

This burning from jalapeño oils often starts hours after you finished cooking! We call this ‘jalapeño hands’ in the Pepper Geek household, and it happens far too often.

Slicing jalapeno peppers into rings

It can also affect other areas of the skin, not just the hands. If you get enough capsaicin on your ears, face, eyes, nose, or other sensitive areas, you may feel a spicy burn later on.

The reason that hot pepper burns happen is due to the chemical compound known as capsaicin. This chemical is found in all spicy peppers, and it is the ingredient responsible for their addictive, fiery flavor. However, its effects can be felt on any tissue, including your skin.

When you get a chili burn on your skin, it can last for hours and hours, even days if it is strong enough. This is because the mouth typically flushes itself out with saliva and digestive enzymes. This does not occur on the skin, meaning that you will have to treat a hot pepper burn on the skin differently.

How to Stop Hot Pepper Burn on Hands and Skin

Don’t worry, you can stop the burn fast if you follow these instructions. You essentially want to remove the chili oils from your skin and soothe the existing pain.

Remember, capsaicin is an oil-like substance. This means that you have to use a detergent to remove it from the skin. In other words, water won’t work! Scrubbing with water will only make things worse. So try these tips to stop the chili burn fast.

1. Scrub with dish soap

Lemon dish soap bottle
Lemon dish soap.

Dish soap is a detergent. It is formulated to remove grease and oils from your dishes, and it is also safe for use on skin. This makes dish soap the perfect ingredient to remove oils from your skin.

  • Add a drop or two of dish soap to your hands
  • Scrub with a sponge or paper towel (friction is important!)
  • Add a bit of cold water and scrub some more
  • Rinse and repeat as necessary

It is important to start with just dish soap (no water). Try to emulsify the soap with the capsaicin as you lather the affected skin. Never use hot water to rinse, as this will open the pores on your skin, letting more capsaicin in.

Tip: Use a soft toothbrush to scrub under your fingernails with the dish soap.

Repeat this process multiple times if the burn does not seem to be soothed after one wash. The more intense the burn, the more scrubbing will be required to remove all the oils. I do not advise that you use dish soap in your mouth, lips, or eyes. Dish soap may be toxic when ingested, so only use dish soap externally.

2. Don’t shower!

Most people tend to notice the hot pepper burning their hands or skin after showering. This is because the warm water opens the pores on your skin, allowing more capsaicin in to cause a burning sensation. Water alone will also spread it around rather than remove it. This causes the burn to get worse. Ouch.

Make sure you have dealt with the capsaicin before showering or washing your hands with warm water. I have had the experience of spreading the hot pepper burn to…other sensitive locations. Not fun.

While we’re on the topic of no-nos, there’s another big one I don’t want to miss. Don’t touch your eyes. Dealing with a spicy burn in your eyes is terrible. The solution is usually to wait and cry it out (see below). You can flush with water or saline, but this is only minimally effective. If you’re suffering from spicy eye burn, your eyes will eventually flush out the oil with tears.

3. Dip in milk

Milk is by far the best solution for spicy pepper burn in the mouth. However, it can also be very effective at treating it on the skin. The fats in milk help to break down the pepper oils and provide immediate, though temporary relief.

Glass of cold milk.
Glass of cold milk.

Use cold, full fat milk for the best effect, and feel free to submerge for as long as you want. The milk will not cause any damage to your skin, so fill up a bowl and let it sit. As the milk warms up, the effect will wear off and the burn will return.

Tip: Add some ice cubes to the milk to keep it cold, prolonging the relief.

4. Apply aloe vera gel

Similar to a sunburn, you can try applying some aloe vera gel to your spicy pepper burn. Aloe can help increase blood circulation and provide some temporary relief for chili burns on the skin. Aloe vera can be used after all of the other methods have been tried first, or if you don’t have any of the other ingredients on hand.

5. Give it time

Unfortunately, the only thing left to do is wait. No method will completely remove pepper oils from the skin. Eventually, your skin will shed and the oils will be flushed out, providing complete relief. Until then, learn the best way to avoid spicy pepper burn: wear gloves!

Stopping Jalapeño Burn In The Eyes

First off, don’t panic, you’ll be okay!

The first thing to know is that spicy peppers won’t blind you. Unless you’ve dumped pure capsaicin in your eyes, the burn will eventually subside. So don’t go putting chemicals in your eyes trying to stop the burn. It won’t help, and you might cause more damage to your eyes than relief!

Closeup of eyes burning from chili oil.

With the eyes, there is really only one method we have found to help relieve a spicy burn.


Once again, we call on the cow gods to help us. Soak a paper towel in high-fat, ice-cold milk. Squeeze out any excess milk, then lay the cold paper towel over your closed eye. This should provide some quick relief.

The paper towel will eventually get warm, and the relief will subside. Repeat the process until you can bear the pain.

Tip: Be sure to wash your hands before preparing your milk paper towel. If there is more pepper juice on your hands, you may end up making the eye situation worse.

Give it time

Unfortunately, the only other cure for a chili burn in your eyes is time. Don’t expect the milk to completely fix the problem. Your eyes will water until the majority of the oil has been expelled.

Tip: Blink your eyes to help produce more tears. This helps flush out your eyes naturally and more quickly.

Other Methods to Stop a Pepper Burn

After releasing our video on how to stop a jalapeño burn, we have received countless recommendations to make it stop. It would seem we’re not the only ones who have experimented to make the burn go away.

We have not tested any of these methods, so I can’t really recommend them. However, if you are looking for more ideas on how to make the pepper burn stop, here are a few:

  • Banana. One of our commenters claimed that they stopped the pepper burn on their hands by rubbing the inside of a banana skin. I have to admit, this does sound like it would be soothing.
  • Chili plant leaves. This was one of the more interesting solutions that was suggested. The comment claimed that crushed up fresh pepper plant leaves helped alleviate the skin burn. Yin and yang!
  • Sour cream/full-fat yogurt. I have no doubt that either of these would provide some relief. However, as with milk, the relieve would likely be temporary. Make sure it is ice cold!
  • Olive oil. A few people recommended using oil to alleviate the burn before washing with dish soap. The pure fat content of the oil is claimed to break down the capsaicin.
  • Hot water. Multiple people have recommended submerging the burn in very hot water for several seconds to help relieve the burn. They claimed that after removing it, the burn is better. I have not tried this, though I have run hot water over the pepper burn, and it hurts.
  • Bag of ice. Ice definitely provides temporary relief, though I have to say that in my experience using it, the burn comes right back with a vengeance.
  • Toothpaste & water. While you’re using a toothbrush to get under the nails, why not try using some toothpaste, too? Multiple viewers swore by toothpaste to alleviate their pepper burns.
  • Alcohol. Again, this was a common suggestion. The claim is that strong alcohol (such as rubbing or grain) breaks down the chemical compounds, relieving the burning sensation.
  • Lick salt (for eye burn). If you are suffering from pepper burn in your eye, one of our viewers said that a quick lick of salt made the pain vanish. Seems odd, but might be worth a shot if you’re suffering!

This list could go on and on, but our best recommendations are scrubbing with dish soap and using cold milk. They are tried and true pain relievers for a spicy pepper burn on the skin.

Well, have you learned your lesson yet? Did you order a box of nitrile gloves yet? Of course you didn’t. You’re just like me. You’ll just bookmark this article for when this inevitably happens again.

Calvin Thumbnail


One of the original Pepper Geeks! When Calvin isn’t gardening or learning more about peppers and botany, he might be traveling new places or playing some music.

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  1. I am familiar with capsaicin -hands as I don’t like working with gloves but cultivate, seed, dry, and cook many species of hot peppers. The worst “case” yet was when seeding Dorset Nagas – I washed my hands and then took a pee… funny but no fun I assure you 🙂

    Regarding one of the worst case scenarios, that of capsaicin on the face or in your eyes the remedy is “common-knowledge” for those in the know and comes right off the streets! Remember that tear gas is nothing more than canisters spewing capsaicin in aerosolized powder form.

    In demonstrations and protests here in Greece we buy a calcium containing antacid in liquid form from the pharmacies (I provide the US brands e.g. Tums, Rolaids, and Caltrate as examples), and add equal quantities to 3-4 (500ml) bottles of water – who goes to a protest or demo without bottled water? – and shake to dissolve. Then we make a small hole on the bottle cap.

    I case of contact with tear-gas / pepper sprays we squirt this suspension on the affected parts (face etc.) to obtain almost immediate relief.

    The basis of this is simple chemistry. The calcium ions in the (calcium containing) antacid forms a chemical bond with the capsaicin rendering it inactive! This is the same basis of using milk, ice-cream etc. – which also contain calcium but at a lower quantity.

    Elementary dear Watson… keep a (calcium containing) antacid suspension close at hand when handling hot peppers 🙂

    1. LOL!!! 65 years old and I’ve never worn gloves to cut up hot peppers, everything from Jalapeños and up to Carolina Reapers on the heat index. just tonight I made the mistake of taking a pee before washing my hands and trust me, I know the pain. I know better than to rub my face or eyes so don’t know what I was thinking, well honestly, I wasn’t thinking! First instinct was to flush with water and found that was major mistake numero dos! Wasn’t sure what to do, but luckily grabbed some dish soap next and a clean paper towel which gave me relief within a few minutes. Then jumped on the computer to see what wise suggestions I might find here. You and I aren’t the first, nor the last I’m certain, but this episode in my life will never be repeated. LOL

  2. HA! Yes, I bookmarked and didn’t buy gloves. I’ve cut up jalapenos several times barehanded with no problem but recently YIKES ! I suffered for a few hour trying everything I could think of (Dang! Where’s that aloe I have in the freezer?) but I lived though the pain and probably didn’t learn from the experience. I’m sure your suggestions will come in handy for the next time.

    1. I made the mistake of de-seeding some gold colored Big Mama peppers before putting them into the dehydrator. No gloves. I didn’t have issues with my fingers and hand skin all day, but it hit like fire when taking a shower!

      For the last couple hours, the skin on my fingers was so sensitive that the heat from merely touching anywhere on my body made then burn so badly. I’ve tried every single one of the recommendations in the above content including the comments, and nothing seems to help longer than a few minutes. And if something does give relief, the burning pain comes back so much worse.

      The weird thing about this burning is that it feels like a cold burning, much like a serious industrially potent Icy Hot cream. My hands are cold but they burn as if I have no skin. This must be what it’s like to have no skin over the muscles and bones.

      I tried silver gel and that didn’t help. Aloe worked temporarily earlier, but not subsequent times. The thing that seemed to help the most or at least for the longest was baking soda mixed with coconut oil. But as I say, anything that helps just causes the burning to come back worse after the relief dissipates. The Tums dissolved in water didn’t help, but I’ve messed up and had already got my hands hot prior to even finding this page. I even screwed up by listening to Alexa recommend hot water and soap. Boy, was her advice just plain incorrect!

      Nitrile gloves are a must. I was hoping to get some good rest tonight before the winter storm, but there’s no way I can do it now.

      1. Sorry to hear about this, unfortunately it’s something a lot of people experience (hopefully just once!). The nitrile gloves keep the oils out completely, so next time you’ll be a-okay. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. I’ve noticed that the Chili Hands effect might not be totally proportional to just capsaicin content, it might be worsened by other pepper oils that don’t taste as hot. For example, some of the worst cases on my hands were from cutting a large number of mild to medium peppers, vs. a smaller amount of very hot peppers with a lot more tastable heat. Has anyone else noticed this?

    1. I actually have noticed this too. Jalapeños have lead to much more severe hand burns. However, any pepper juices in the eyes is a problem..😅

  4. I’ve gotten temporary relief by making a paste of baking soda and water, which draws the pain/heat to the surface. Originally used this when I got into some stinging nettles…as painful as ex-hot peppers!!

  5. I ended up with jalapeño hands and I tried dish soap, milk, and vegetable oil and my hands were still burning 🔥. I then did more research and saw that rubbing alcohol helps so I tried that and to my surprise it took the burning away within minutes. I now know what my go to remedy is if I get pepper burnt hands again. I’m definitely wearing gloves from now on though!!

    1. Thanks for sharing! I’ve heard this too. We may need to plan a video testing out everyone’s suggestions. Of course we’ll have to intentionally burn ourselves first 😅

  6. Many years ago I was making a habanero sauce with habaneros (obviously), carrots, onions and garlic. I got the sauce on my bare hands and inadvertently touched one of my eyes. It was NOT pleasant. 1st thing I did was wash my hands with sour cream. Then I literally placed some sour cream in my eye, closed my eyes and rolled them around for about 30 seconds. That’s all it took.

    1. @Jennifer, I came to this page because it’s been days. Halfway through my Habenaro sauce making, I drove to the shop. The next morning, taking the car to work my hands got PTSD. It’s been 2 days; does it ever end? Stinging hands in an ice bucket, water is the worst!

    2. Recently, I tried magnesium lotion and it worked. Magnesium lotion is used for muscle cramps as well. Works wonderful!

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